Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “banners”
Mezzanine BS Banners Translation with django-modeltranslation
Mezzanine BS Banners is a nice app for implementing Bootstrap 3 banners/sliders to your Mezzanine projects. The Banners model in BS Banners app has a title and its stacked inline Slides model has title and content for translation.
After [installing and setting up Django/Mezzanine translations]({% post_url 2015-07-01-djangomezzanine-content-translation-for-mezzanine %}):
Create a inside your Mezzanine project or your custom theme/skin application and copy/paste following lines:
1from modeltranslation.translator import translator 2from mezzanine.core.translation import TranslatedSlugged, TranslatedRichText 3from mezzanine_bsbanners.